Hear, O creatures and children of Earth, of the path of those rare beings who have truly walked in divine shadows sublime
within your midst! Those unseen and unknown phantoms of nothingness who have returned like the rolling tide of a cosmic sea
to shepherd you into the supernal ecstasy of enlightened being! Grasp, if you can, for a moment, the way of the true bodhisattva!
(1) Without leaving the world, the bodhisattva has forever left the world.
(2) Without leaving itself, the bodhisattva has forever left itself
(3) Without leaving both the world and itself, the bodhisattva has returned to both the world and itself.
(4) Both the leaving and the return are forever the same.
(5) Both the leaving and the return is continuing releasement into full understanding.
(6) Releasement into full understanding is realization of the oneness that we are with all that is.
(7) Releasement into understanding that the All is One is the result of compassion for all things.
(8) The experience of compassion alone releases us into true enlightenment that the All is One, our True Self.
(9) True enlightenment is BEING COMPASSION!
The true path of the Bodhisattva is the courage of the heart to compassionately embrace the myriad expressions of the oneness
of true self
in order to transfigure itself into healing and joyful wholeness.